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My Projects


Treasure Map - Fremantle Pub Crawl

Environmental puzzle driven treasure map designed to showcase some of Fremantle's best drinking spots.

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Birds of Time

Birds of Time - Card Game

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Mystery Puffs

Mystery Puffs - An Escape Room in a Cereal Box

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Press The Button

Press The Button - Festival Activation

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The Date Night Game

The Date Night Game

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The Time Travel Café

60 minute immersive theatre show where audience were brought into the world of a corrupt time travelling agency. Audience are introduced to 5 famous characters from history as they attempt to help them escape.

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Gameboy Game - Canary Island

Custom built Gameboy game as additional game element for Mystery Puffs tabletop puzzle game.

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Book Puzzles - Festival Activation

A festival activation where players find a series of book puzzles and must complete them in order to stamp and complete their ticket to a hidden performance

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